[TaylorJ] Blogs
1.0.0 Gold release is here!

Changes from Release Candidate 2:
  • New error popup for selecting a date/time in the past when scheduling a post
  • Blog options and Permissions have been re-ordered to appear at the bottom of their respective pages to follow standards (no longer at the very top of each page).
Bug Fixes:
  • Blog posts that are scheduled with a date in the past now throw an error saying to choose a date in the future
  • Removed instances of Resource reviews in blog_post_view
This will be the last beta release for this add on as I have now implemented all MVP features that I wanted for a gold release. If any bugs are reported after this release they will be fixed in a Release Candidate, otherwise the next release will be the gold version.

New Features
Draft Posts - Blog posts can now be stored as a draft post and can be saved for until they are ready for the public to see.
Blog Limit - Admins can now set a limit to the number of blogs that can be created. Right now this is a global setting but will see changes over time to make it a on basis user group / user permission.
Minimum XF Version - The addon.json file now defines a minimum XenForo version needed for this addon, which is 2.3.
This will be the last beta release for this add on as I have now implemented all MVP features that I wanted for a gold release. If any bugs are reported after this release they will be fixed in a Release Candidate, otherwise the next release will be the gold version.

New Features
Draft Posts - Blog posts can now be stored as a draft post and can be saved for until they are ready for the public to see.
Blog Limit - Admins can now set a limit to the number of blogs that can be created. Right now this is a global setting but will see changes over time to make it a on basis user group / user permission.
Minimum XF Version - The addon.json file now defines a minimum XenForo version needed for this addon, which is 2.3.
Bug fix
  • Fixed bug on install/upgrade due to accidentally naming two different table keys the same string