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QuickAI OpenAI - AI Writing Assistant and Content Creator as SaaS

QuickAI OpenAI - AI Writing Assistant and Content Creator as SaaS v4.6 Nulled Extended

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= Version 3.4 = 13 May 2023
* Added - Option to disable the registration process
* Added - Full-screen mode on frontend
* Improved - Paytabs payment gateway for global use
* Fixed - A few issues
= Version 3.2.1 = 03 May 2023
* Fixed - A minor issue

= Version 3.2 = 03 May 2023
* Added - Location based auto language
* Added - Refresh balance button on API keys page
* Improved - Force user to buy a plan if free plan is disabled
* Improved - Transaction page with sidebar
* Fixed - A few issues

= Version 3.1 = 30 April 2023
* Added - Text to Speech
* Fixed - A few issues

* Added - Typing Effect for AI Chat
* Improved - AI Chat responses with better styling of headings, lists, tables and so on.
* Added - Show More templates button on home page
* Fixed - A few issues
** Installation instructions in the file

= Version 2.8 = 20 April 2023
* Added - Custom Prompts for AI Chat
* Added - Option to disable templates
* Added - Option to disable speech to text in AI Chat
* Fixed - A few issues
* Added - Inbox for AI Chat (Separate conversations)
* Added - Speech to text for AI Chat
* Improved - UI of AI Chat
* Fixed - A few issues
& Please buy the script to support the author