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Monolog Logging Service

Monolog Logging Service v4.1.1

Compatible XF 2.x versions
  1. 2.1
  2. 2.2
  3. 2.3
Visible branding
There is currently no difference in functionality between the two versions other than the version of Monolog used.

  • Log to a file
  • Send logs via email
  • Emailed logs are deduplicated and buffered
  • Configure minimum logging levels for files vs email logging
  • Add extra visitor data to logs: user_id and username
  • Add extra web data to logs: current request URI, request method and client IP
  • Test tool included to verify that logs are being written to disk - go to AdminCP > Tools > Checks and tests > Test Monolog

Usage Instructions

By default, this addon will log events to a file called internal_data/monolog.log - this is configurable.

To use the default logging facility, do the following in your addon code:
use Monolog\Helper\Log;
Log::info('an info message', ['context' => 'foo']);
Log::error('an error message', ['data' => 'bar']);
However, it is recommended that you create your own channel for your addon to make it easier to filter log entries:
$logger = \XF::app()->get('monolog')->newChannel('myaddon');
$logger->warning('a warning message', ['context' => 'foo']);
Refer to the documentation for more detailed usage instructions for Monolog.
You can create your own handler stack to customise how things are logged:
use Monolog\Logger;

$monolog = \XF::app()->get('monolog');
$streamhandler = $monolog->stream(); // return our default stream handler for logging to a file
                            //(or create your own!)

/** @var Monolog\Logger $logger */
$logger = $monolog->logger('myaddon');
$logger->pushHandler($streamhandler); // push our stream handler onto the handler stack
// you can apply any other customisations you like here as well by adding custom handlers, formatters or processors

$logger->critical('a critical message', ['context' => 'foo']);
Refer to Handlers, Formatters and Processors for more information.
First release
Last update


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Latest updates

  1. Monolog Logging Service v4.1.1 Free

    Minor bugfix to explicitly enforce admin permissions on admincp tools