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DigitalHR- Face Recognition Attendance System(Online)

DigitalHR- Face Recognition Attendance System(Online) v1.1

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Samsung devices are using the wrong gmscore variant on its Android 14 test devices, which cause issue with face detection. Developers representing ML kit have created internal bug to work with Samsung to fix this issue. From ML Kit side there is no issue. Please note that this application works on all android devices as well as iPhones except samsung latest devices. We are waiting to get the fix patch as well. Until then we apologize for the inconvenience.

Digital HR (Online) is a complete solution for all your attedance management and is written in Flutter language. This applicaiton is rich in feature and especially used face detection for attendace. This applicaiton uses google ML Kit in order to learn the faces of employees. You just need one device for this applicaton. One device can be placed in an office and all the employees must be registered in the application, Once registered users can then perform their check in check out as well as lunch in and lunch out. This is an online version of our offline version application.
Not only does this app uses Google ML Kit for facial recognition but we have made sure that users cannot perform their daily attendace on any back or future dates. This mechanism works for both android as well as iOS. You don’t need to depend upon any web server or internet for this applicaiton to run as well as you need not fear of employees tampering with the dates and performing their daily attendace. The report generated has been tailord for any HR Representative, All needed data are perfectly exported for your convenience.
First release
Last update


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