Bricks Builder - Build WordPress Sites That Rank

Bricks Builder - Build WordPress Sites That Rank v1.9.6

  • Author Author kashif
  • Creation date Creation date
Feb 22, 2023 - v1.7

This release focuses on tying up a lot of loose ends, third-party plugin compatibility issues, general bug fixes, and improvements. Plus, of course, a few new handy features.

Builder Lag On Complex Pages
Users working on complex pages (plus a lot of global classes) often experienced a serious lag while editing in the builder. 1.7 comes with a completely overhauled logic of how the state of elements and classes in the builder is updated, which should remedy this sort of lag.

Due to the nature of this change, please inform us immediately (via email or the forum) if editing elements or global classes in the builder, or using the undo/redo feature is causing any issues.

New Experimental Setting: Disable Chaining Element & Global Classes
When working with global classes on a Bricks element, the element class is chained to the global class like this

The reason for this default is to ensure a global class with styles defined on different elements does not cause any conflicts. This can occur as the CSS selector of a styling control is set on the control itself.

The possibility of this happening is rather low. But still, it is there, which is why we introduce this setting as an experiment first.

You can enable this setting under: Bricks > Settings > Performance > Disable chaining element & global class

Once enabled global classes are output without the element class like: .my-global-class

Meaning you can use your global classes on non-Bricks elements too.

If the feedback is positive, the next step is to provide one global class CSS file (when using the external file CSS loading method) rather than loading those rules inline.

Prevent Deleting All Global Classes By Accident
This bug, despite multiple reports, we were never able to replicate.

1.7 addresses it by only updating the global classes in the database if not empty.

The only minor downside is that you’ll always have at least one class in the global class dropdown. You can always manually delete by removing the bricks_global_classes entry from the wp_options table.

If you still experience global classes being wiped, please email us immediately.

Same if you notice any .undefined class names on an element. It’s crucial that you stop working on this site immediately, and email us right away (incl. temporary admin login details if possible, so we can debug it properly).

Full Changelog:


New experimental setting: Disable chaining element & global class
New dynamic data tag: do_action
New Query Loop Control: Disable query merge
Dynamic data: Output value for {woo_product_rating:value} instead of the star rating
Form element: Parse dynamic data in “Custom Redirect URL”
Create multiple global classes at once (separated by space)
Element Conditions: Support true/false as comparison value
Prevent deleting all global classes
Query Loop: Change “Include children” control to a true/false dropdown

Minimize builder lag on complex pages
Form element: Flatpickr date input styled differently on mobile
Product quantity input should dispatch input change event
Learndash: Automatically enqueue assets for course grid shortcode (ld_course_list) added in Bricks
Carousel: Remove “Size” option of Image control & add “Lightbox image size” setting
Custom attribute: Output attribute value of “0“
Icon with link: Apply custom attributes to link tag instead of icon
Builder font-size control: Missing placeholder on lower breakpoints
Updated for WooCommerce 7.4 (cart template, quantity input)

Canvas with disabled scaling not centered on lower breakpoints
Builder: Breakpoint builder width precedes entered breakpoint width
Rich text element: Updating content in canvas is not reflected in the left panel when typing
Canvas: Disappearing Changes
Pricing Tables: Repeater styles not visible on canvas (mobile-first)
Builder: Fix remember last selected global class
Builder: Console warnings about missing source map files
Nestable Slider: Builder Access (“Edit content” rights)
Background video on a global class not rendered
Bricks + Fluent forms
Builder: Image upload no longer works after inserting a template
Image element: Image overlay option missing when global- or pseudo-class active
Image gallery: Removing all images individually doesn’t properly clear setting (causes error in HappyFiles Gallery element)
Builder: Image Gallery default gutter breaks masonry layout
Image height 100% stretches image in CSS grid
Image: object-position setting partly visible
Theme styles: Pricing tables overwritten by default styles (using external files)
Theme Styles: WooCommerce button settings overridden on archive “add to cart” button
Theme Styles: Button outline style gets overridden
Default CSS: Apply “width: auto” to input type “radio”
Element Conditions: AND + OR bug between condition sets
Element conditions not applied to global elements
WooCommerce Products Filter: Wrong settings for :hover
Themify Icon Font: Some icons missing a letter in the HTML markup
Fluent Form preview output PHP Notice: Undefined index
PHP Fatal Error: Object Cache + ACF + ACF Extended Pro (due to closure)
ACF Repeater and Metabox Group values are incorrect when inside a user custom query (PHP)
Posts element: Apply gradient to custom “CSS selector”
border-color added if only border-radius is set
Interactions: Animation fadeIn with different target applied opacity 0
WPML: Render header/footer template of requested language
Compatibility: Learndash filter causing quiz to render empty content
Copy & paste global class styles: Custom CSS “root” replaced by the class name of copied style
SVG element: SVG styling controls are not visible when editing a global class
Fix {woo_product_on_sale} positioning
Posts element: {post_excerpt} incorrect on archive page
Query Loop in footer on product category archives is empty
Autosave message appears even after manual saving changes
Divider element: Fix Icon alignment & Link height
Popups & Interactions: Animation duration & Animation Delay don’t work correctly with *Out animations
Rich Text: empty - tags when using ACF field type “WYSIWYG”
Builder: Disabled Header (with position left/right) still takes up width on canvas
Sticky Header slide up causes vertical scrollbar on Windows
Full Changelog:


New experimental setting: Disable chaining element & global class
New dynamic data tag: do_action
New Query Loop Control: Disable query merge
Dynamic data: Output value for {woo_product_rating:value} instead of the star rating
Form element: Parse dynamic data in “Custom Redirect URL”
Create multiple global classes at once (by separating them via space, dot, or comma)
Element Conditions: Support true/false as comparison value
Prevent deleting all global classes
Query Loop: Change “Include children” control to a true/false dropdown

Minimize builder lag on complex pages
Form element: Flatpickr date input styled differently on mobile
Product quantity input should dispatch input change event
Learndash: Automatically enqueue assets for course grid shortcode (ld_course_list) added in Bricks

Carousel: Remove “Size” option of Image control & add “Lightbox image size” setting
Custom attribute: Output attribute value of “0“
Icon with link: Apply custom attributes to link tag instead of icon
Builder font-size control: Missing placeholder on lower breakpoints
Updated for WooCommerce 7.4 (cart template, quantity input)

Canvas with disabled scaling not centered on lower breakpoints
Builder: Breakpoint builder width precedes entered breakpoint width
Rich text element: Updating content in canvas is not reflected in the left panel when typing
Canvas: Disappearing Changes
Pricing Tables: Repeater styles not visible on canvas (mobile-first)
Builder: Fix remember last selected global class
Builder: Console warnings about missing source map files
Nestable Slider: Builder Access (“Edit content” rights)
Background video on a global class not rendered
Bricks + Fluent forms
Builder: Image upload no longer works after inserting a template
Image element: Image overlay option missing when global- or pseudo-class active
Image gallery: Removing all images individually doesn’t properly clear setting (causes error in HappyFiles Gallery element)
Builder: Image Gallery default gutter breaks masonry layout
Image height 100% stretches image in CSS grid
Image: object-position setting partly visible
Theme styles: Pricing tables overwritten by default styles (using external files)
Theme Styles: WooCommerce button settings overridden on archive “add to cart” button
Theme Styles: Button outline style gets overridden
Default CSS: Apply “width: auto” to input type “radio”
Element Conditions: AND + OR bug between condition sets
Element conditions not applied to global elements
WooCommerce Products Filter: Wrong settings for :hover
Themify Icon Font: Some icons missing a letter in the HTML markup
Fluent Form preview output PHP Notice: Undefined index
PHP Fatal Error: Object Cache + ACF + ACF Extended Pro (due to closure)
ACF Repeater and Metabox Group values are incorrect when inside a user custom query (PHP)
Posts element: Apply gradient to custom “CSS selector”
border-color added if only border-radius is set
Interactions: Animation fadeIn with different target applied opacity 0
WPML: Render header/footer template of requested language
Compatibility: Learndash filter causing quiz to render empty content
Copy & paste global class styles: Custom CSS “root” replaced by the class name of copied style
SVG element: SVG styling controls are not visible when editing a global class
Fix {woo_product_on_sale} positioning
Posts element: {post_excerpt} incorrect on archive page
Query Loop in footer on product category archives is empty
Autosave message appears even after manual saving changes
Divider element: Fix Icon alignment & Link height
Popups & Interactions: Animation duration & Animation Delay don’t work correctly with *Out animations
Rich Text: empty - tags when using ACF field type “WYSIWYG”
Builder: Disabled Header (with position left/right) still takes up width on canvas
Sticky Header slide up causes vertical scrollbar on Windows